Excise duties on alcohol have been raised in Russia since January 1, 2017. This happened after the amendments to the Tax Code entered into force with the beginning of the new year.
Thus, the excise duty on champagne made of foreign raw materials will amount to 36 roubles per liter (in 2016 the duty made up 26 roubles). The rate of excise duty on champagne made of the grapes grown in Russia grew by 1 rouble - up to 14 roubles.
The excise duty on the wine of foreign production will make up 18 roubles per liter, and the duty rate on cider, Poiret and mead rose up to 21 roubles (which formerly was 20 roubles). The excise duty on strong alcohol (with alcohol share exceeding nine percent) increased from 500 roubles per liter in 2016 to 523 roubles.
In addition, beginning from January 1, there is a change in the principle of distribution of excise revenues between the federal and regional budgets. The share of revenues going to the budgets of the constituent entities of Russia will grow from 50 to 60 percent.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina