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Why may a Foreigner be Refused in Registration of IE in Russia
July 23, 2018 16:00


Why can a foreigner be refused in registration of IE (individual entrepreneur) in Russia?

The main reason is when the applicant does not have a valid residence permit on the territory of Russia (neither temporary nor permanent). 

Moreover, the reasons may be the following:

  • Not all the documents required by the regulations have been submitted to the registration office.
  • The documents, or some of the documents, have been filed with errors.
  • Documents are not notarized.
  • In case if a citizen of a foreign country already had an IE registration.
  • In case when previously the bankruptcy procedure was carried out, and the term has not yet expired.
  • In case when previously there was a decree on the compulsory cessation of the activity of IE.
  • If there was a fact of the court decision on the liquidation of entrepreneur, and a ban was issued on further possible commercial activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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If a refusal occurs, it will contain in writing all the reasons or violations that led to it.

Legal Services in Russia

Our attorneys offer various legal services for international clients interested in opening or developing business in Russia.
We have a profound experience in legal advice and interaction with government agencies.
Our attorneys in Russia offer the following services:
- Written legal advice on Russian legislation – from $80
(when buying a subscription for 2 or more consultations per month - $70)
- Legal support for subsidiaries / branches and representative offices
- Registration services (registration, modification, liquidation of subsidiaries / branches and representative offices)
- Accounting services for subsidiaries / branches and representative offices

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Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Legal Services in Russia Russian business    

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