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Platforms for Public Procurement in Russia
July 29, 2018 00:41


Customers and the participants have nine electronic platforms for public procurement now, instead of six.

Customers and participants have eight sites for conventional purchases and one specialized platform for procurement in the sphere of defense of the state. Customers have the right to conduct electronic purchases on the following electronic platforms:

  1. Sberbank, CJSC - Automated Trading System -;
  2. Electronic Trading Systems, JSC -;
  3. RTS-Tender, LLC -;
  4. Agency for State Order, Investment Activity and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan, SUE -;
  5. Joint-stock company Uniform Electronic Trading Platform -;
  6. Russian Auction House, OJSC -;
  7. Electronic Trading Platform GPB, LLC -;
  8. TEK – Torg, JSC -

The last two platforms are new in this list. A specialized platform is the web resource of Automated system of bidding in  the sphere of state defense order, JSC -

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The platforms will be operated for the customers under Laws No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ. To participate in the tender, the companies and the entrepreneurs should be prepared in advance, for example they have to obtain an electronic signature. From July 1, 2018, the signature should be qualified. If the company or IE already has accreditation on one of these platforms, then it is not necessary to issue it again. However, remember that a participant is deprived of the right to submit any applications three months before the validity of the accreditation expires. Therefore, the participants should check these terms. The operator will automatically add the information about the participants who will receive accreditation at the platforms before January 1, 2019, in the unified register of UIS. However, such participants will be able to submit applications by December 31, 2019. To apply further, you need to register with the UIS yourself from January 1 to December 31, 2019. This can be done online and for free. From that time the operators will have to accredit a participant registered in the UIS at their platform.

Since January 1, 2019 only those who have passed the register in UIS will be able to obtain accreditation on the platforms. Source: Government Resolution dated 12/07/2018 No. 1447-ð

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Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Russian business Legal Services in Russia    

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