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What is Russian Wikipedia
October 2, 2019 17:49

The Russian government plans to allocate a total of almost 1.7 billion to create the Big Russian Encyclopedia over the next three years -  a nationwide Internet portal, which should become an alternative to Wikipedia.

This follows from the draft federal budget for 2020 and the planning period 2021-2022.

According to a document published on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts, the amount of the subsidy to the scientific publishing house Big Russian Encyclopedia open joint-stock company for the creation and operation of a nationwide interactive encyclopedic portal in 2020 will amount to 684 million 466.6 thousand rubles, in 2021 - 833 million 529.7 thousand rubles, and in 2022 - 169 million 94.3 thousand rubles.

According to the amendments to the budget for 2019 and the planning period 2020-2021, in 2019 the subsidy for the creation of the portal amounted to 302 million 213.8 thousand rubles.

Thus, a total of 1 billion 989 million 304.4 thousand rubles was laid on the project.

As the executive editor Sergei Kravets explains, the project, which started on July 1, is designed for 33 months and, according to the plans of its developers, should be completed on April 1, 2022.

On July 6, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media published a draft government decree on the allocation of subsidies to the Scientific Publishing House Big Russian Encyclopedia OJSC for the creation and operation of a nationwide interactive encyclopedic portal, which, by design, should become a quality alternative to Wikipedia.

According to the explanatory note to the document published on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts for public discussion, the implementation of the resolution is planned within the budget allocations, which will be communicated to the Federal Press and Mass Communications Agency (Rospechat). The subsidy, in addition to the remuneration of employees of the publishing house engaged in the creation of the portal, will be directed to their vocational training, advanced training and additional education necessary to work on the project, rental of real estate, hardware, software, equipment (server), space for technical equipment, the maintenance of the production complex, the purchase of the necessary literature and periodicals, and the subscription to paid Internet resources.

In addition, the subsidy will be used to pay licenses and copyright contracts, contracts for the exclusive acquisition of rights and others related to the creation; review and  expert evaluation of content, including computer graphics and media content, and its technical processing, the creation of a Glossary and editorial libraries (databases), as well as filming in museums, theaters and other cultural institutions, in other public places, payment of illustrative and photo content, the use of archival materials and so on.

The subsidy is granted in accordance with the agreement concluded by Rospechat with Big Russian Encyclopedia in the standard form approved by the Ministry of Communications.

A government order to create a nationwide portal was published at the end of August 2016. To create such a resource, an interdepartmental working group was made, which was then headed by Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko. It included representatives of a number of departments,  such as the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Rospechat, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rosstat, Rosrejestr, the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In connection with the release of the order in the media, there were reports that the government was creating an analogue of Wikipedia. This famous encyclopedic portal on the Internet has repeatedly been criticized for inaccuracies and lack of academicity. In particular, a year ago, “closure” of “Wikipedia” was proposed by Rosobrnadzor. 

In September 2016, the government  explained that the nationwide encyclopedic portal will not compete with Wikipedia, but is designed to solve more ambitious tasks. “The government working group does not have any intentions to prohibit, replace or oppose Wikipedia,” Prikhodko commented. 

He said that a nationwide scientific and educational portal will be created on the basis of digitization of the universal scientific “Big Russian Encyclopedia”. According to him, it will become the basis of the knowledge system, which will attract a huge array of information from industry-specific publications - from such as the Orthodox Encyclopedia to highly specialized ones such as the Encyclopedia of Discrete Mathematics or the Encyclopedia of Plasma, as well as the best regional encyclopedias.

“This will be a multi-level base of reliable knowledge, accessible to people with different educational and research needs,” Prikhodko said.

An important function of the portal, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, should be its role as an integrator of reliable domestic scientific, educational and cultural electronic resources - from archives and museums, universities and academic institutes to theaters and festivals. 


Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Russian Internet     

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