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Altai Phytobalms for Better Health
November 23, 2020 21:14

Altai with its mountain beauty and bountiful wildlife is a unique region of Russia. No wonder it has granted the world these wondrous healing herbal balms! It is in the Altai mountains that the raw materials for the production of famous Altai balms are harvested.
Altai balms are known all over the world. Lots of people on Earth have definitely heard about the benefits of this healing herbal drink. 
First of all, it is important to note the presence of healing properties, which are explained by the fact that the balm is based on a whole collection of medicinal herbs. Balm recipes have been known and used in production for a very long time. 
It should be noted that there is a large variety of Altai balm recipes, with different ingredients. There are both alcohol-free balms based on water extracts of herbs, and alcohol-containing balms with fermented berry tinctures. The addition of honey to these balms enhances the healing properties and increases the effect of balms on the human body.
Most often, the famous Altai drink is used to improve health condition in general, boost immunity,prevent the common health issues and invigorate.
The most well-known beneficial properties of Altai phytobalms are as follows:

Improving the work of the cardiovascular system;
Improving digestion and thyroid function;
Supporting the respiratory system;
Improving the work of the musculoskeletal system.
It is believed that, against the background of all the beneficial properties, Altai balms also have a rejuvenating effect, and when taken regularly, they replenish vitality and energy. A natural side effect is a healthier and more attractive appearance. Due to its composition and preparation technology, the drink can be an excellent assistant, and in some cases an alternative to traditional medicine.
Let us see what the creators of herbal balms are guided by when choosing raw materials. Usually, the drink recipe includes only those plants that have medicinal properties. It goes without saying that complete understanding of the medicinal properties of all the ingredients used is a must. Pharmacists well versed in herbs are engaged in the production of these balms.
The big variety of Altai balms provides a wide choice to suite best your age, health condition and type of activity. In trying to find a suitable remedy, you may even get lost as the choice is huge and each manufacturer assures of the uniqueness and irreplaceability of the proposed product.
There is a huge group of balms, which include different types of products. They can be roughly divided into three groups, such as
1) Calming and soothing;
2) Vitaminizing;
3) Immunizers.
Thus, for example, a calming and soothing Altai balm will help eliminate stress symptoms, but will not prevent colds. For this reason, consulting a doctor will be helpful in determining what the remedy is being selected for. It is believed that the presence of honey in the drink amplifies the effect of its main components.
Immunising Altai balms will be of great help during periods of epidemics and weakening of the immune system.
It's no secret that a lot of people have been and are being treated with herbal infusions. The secrets of their recipes have been passed from generation to generation. At one time, balms were considered a panacea for all diseases, the correct combination of herbs being the clue.
The Altai balms should be taken in small quantities, according to instructions. Altai vitamin balms are also helpful to gargle the throat (in case of sore throat) as well as rub the chest (if coughing).
To increase your immunity, it is recommended to consume immunizer balms no more than 30 grams daily after meals. To achieve the desired effect, go on taking the balm for at least a month.
To improve the condition of the joints and relieve swellings, balm compresses can be applied to the sore area.
Altai balms make a delicious and flavoursome addition to tea or coffee.
Disclaimer: the details given above are for informative purpose only. In case of health issues please consult your doctor!

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Russian Cuisine Russian Drinks Altai Altai Balms  

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