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A Music Night in Gatchina - 2013
May 30, 2013 23:54


 A gala concert “A music-night 2013. Between Tchaikovsky and Bond: young virtuosos of the world in Gatchina” will take place at night in a Palace park of the open-air museum “Gatchina”.

This year the festival will happen for the fourth time. From this very moment Gatchina music night will become an international event. Stars of the world music including Shaeen Vang, an American pianist of Chinese birth; Teene Helset, a trumpeter from Norway; Alexey Studler – young virtuoso-cellist from Saint-Petersburg will be soloists and conductors of the festival.

The following organizations will take part in the concert-marathon: Saint-Petersburg state academic symphony orchestra under the direction of Vladimir Lande, a conductor from the USA; and the Symphonic orchestra of Karelia state philharmonic from Petrozavodsk, directed by Dirk Brosse, a Belgian conductor famous all over the world. 

The compilers of the fourth “Night” program also prepared several surprises for music lovers: it will interest both classic music lovers and fans of crossover gender – when classic music unites with jazz and popular soundtracks to Hollywood blockbusters. Traditionally the scene will be placed in the open air near the White lake.

Beginning at 11 p.m., July 6, 2013.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Gatchina Russian culture    

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