Winners of Silver Camera 2013 contest for the best photo reportage about Moscow were announced in the capital. The awarding ceremony was held at Multimedia Art Museum.
For over 10 years, the contest established by the Moscow House of Photography museum, performs the task of preserving modern Russian history, the promotion and development of Russian photography, as well as supporting young authors. The contest can be joined by amateurs and professionals, novice photographers and recognized masters.
"Photographers, who send their work, create the chronicle of the city, document important events and phenomena. Winners' pictures get to our fund and then are displayed at exhibitions, so we can see how Moscow and its dwellers change," Deputy Director of the Moscow House of Photography museum on exhibitions and the curator of Silver Camera competition Nina Levitina said during the award ceremony. She also underlined that the competition began with scattered individual photos, but today photographers bring entire projects and perform purposeful work.
In 2013, the Silver Camera accepted more than 600 series of photographs. The jury, headed by the director of Moscow House of Photography director Olga Sviblova has selected about 700 pictures. Photographers captured through their lenses celebrations of 120th anniversary of GUM, daily routine of library and museum employees, environmental issues of the city, numerous visitors of the parks and various leisure activities.
Traditionally, the awards were presented in three categories. The winner of the Events and Everyday Life category was Andrey Stenin for his series named "Them and Us". The main prize of Architecture category was awarded to Ivan Mikhailov for the series House-Temple. Prize winner in the Faces nomination was Natalia Maximova for Generation T series. Each winner was awarded 176.000 rubles. People's Choice Award winners also received prizes: 144 thousand rubles each. In the period from January to February 2014, the authors’ works could be seen at the exhibition held in the Imperial Tower of Kazansky Railway Station. Photos only had the series title and number, so that visitors voted for their favorite series absolutely without bias, filling in questionnaires in the exhibition hall or on the contest website. This award won by Daria Nabiyeva for a series of "Generals of the concrete walls."
Author: Anna Dorozhkina