November 2017 marks 50 years since the opening of the exhibition "Diamond Fund", which is an integral part of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation. In honor of the jubilee, the Fund and the State Historical Museum is going to hold a unique exhibition of jewelry art, National Treasures of Russia.
The history of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones started back in 1719 with the Decree of Peter I. Following it, the Chamber was created to provide the storage of coronation regalia, and later of rare gems and outstanding jewelry. The values were kept in a separate room with special access conditions. Called the Diamond Room, the store was later moved to the Winter Palace, where the rarest gemstones, nuggets and jewelry from all over the world were brought to.
The exhibition National Treasures of Russia that is going to be held in the State Historical Museum, will present the works by the largest court jewelers of Russia. They were made to meet the orders of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty and belonged to the members of the Romanovs' family. The exposition also includes archival materials about the history of the Diamond Fund.
The exposition presents masterpieces of Russian gold and silver jewelry of the late 18th – 20th centuries, which illustrate the main stages of the jewelry art development. Particular emphasis is placed on the items that belonged to members of the Romanovs' house, as well as the artworks by famous court jewelers of Russia, commissioned by the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty.
Among the iconic exhibits are an exquisite snuffbox Jean-Pierre Ador, the court jeweler of Empress Catherine II, and a picturesque landscape snuffbox by enamel artist Pierre Teremene, who performed his works for members of the imperial family and Russian aristocracy. Other masterpieces of jewelry art in the collection are three brooches of the early 20th century, made in the studio of Jacob and Francois Duval for Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, the daughter of Emperor Paul I.
One of the main performers of court orders under Alexander III and Nicholas II was the company of Carl Faberge, founded in St. Petersburg in 1842. Works by the company’s studio masters are represented at the exhibition with highly artistic products connected with significant events in the life of the Russian Imperial House.
Specially for the exhibition, the State Historical Museum will present rare jewelry works from the collection of gold and silver jewelry monuments of Russia of the 18th – 20th centuries. Among the masterpieces of the museum collection there is a glass lathed by Emperor Peter I.
The exposition will also feature modern Russian jewelers’ works performed in the best traditions of Russian toreutics. A special place at the exhibition belongs to small copies of the power and the scepter. The replicas were created to the 280th anniversary of the Fund in 1999. The jewelers made their best to precisely copy the details of the authentic imperial regalia.
Where: State Historical Museum at the address of 1, Red Square, next to the Okhotny Ryad and Revolution Square metro stations, Moscow.
When: from 15 November, 2017 to 15 January, 2018
Author: Vera Ivanova