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Our Animation Festival
March 24, 2013 22:04


The Russian Festival of Animated Films "Our Animation" was held in Moscow on 3, 8, 9 and 10 March 2013. The Festival "Our Animation” has been showing the best and the newest domestic cartoons for many years already. It provides an opportunity not only to see the interesting, bright, funny and sometimes dark and experimental animation works, but also to be aware of the changes - that is to see how animation develops, expands or contracts, if it becomes more cheerful or sad.

Each year is unlike any other, every festival has its own leit-motif, and each program gives a new twist, a new theme, and perhaps a new view of the art of animation in general.

Few years ago our animators often turned "to the roots", sought inspiration in Russian classics and folk tales; now the face of Russian animation has changed significantly, if not dramatically. Every year our cartoons are becoming more sophisticated and now Russian accent is not so clearly heard. However, this does not mean that the national identity of our animation is in the past. On the contrary, it is now even more pronounced than in the past - in a soft and slightly absurdist humor, in a special intonation and in the philosophical view of things which helps to cope with any difficulties.

The Program included the winners of Suzdal Festival; Adult program: Long bridge in the right direction; Children's Program: My mother is a plane. 

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Film Festivals Animation    

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