The Tulips Festival takes place in the Republic of Kalmykia from the 20th till the 30th of April.
Gesner wild tulips are recorded into the Red Book of the Russian Federation. As of today the largest in the world accumulation of the biggest Gesner wild tulips with various colouring are in Kalmykia at the shores of the huge salt lake Manych that reminds a real sea gulf. And the Manych hollow is really the rest of ancient sea channel that much time ago connected Kaspiy with the World Ocean. The geographic frontier that divides Europe and Asia passes through Manych. According to one of the versions, in the 16th century from this place Gesner wild tulips were brought to Turkey and then to Europe, where they originated to modern cultural varieties.
Unfortunately, every spring wild tulips are picked in mass by the local community and many tourists. A blooming tulips steppe is a fantastic sight. Natural extravaganza lasts only several days a year — these days wild steppe suddenly turns into a fabulous many-coloured carpet and fills with a magic fragrance of millions of blooming tulips, and clear steppe air thunders with sonorous polyphonic orchestra of thousands of big calandra larks.
After participation in the festival, everyone who is fascinated with the nature can help the specialists to preserve this fascinating world for future generations. The cadaster of preserved tulips fields is already made, and the rules of these fields visiting are composed. It’s possible to go on foot on these fields and you can make photos of the tulips. It’s forbidden to pick the tulips, dig its bulbes, ride a car on the fields (it’s possible to drive up to them by field roads).
The festival guests are accommodated in hotels and lodgings of Kalmykia capiatal Elista, and special jurt and tent camps are organized in the steppe. Excursion buses are for the guests who don’t have their own transport.
During the festival there are performances of Kalmyk folkloric ensembles, Kalmyk wrestling and archery competitions. The guests have the opportunity to ride a horse and camel, to fly over the lake and steppe on miniature airplanes and hang gliders. Thematic evenings, conferences and talks with interesting people, famous photographers-naturalists, bloggers and specialists in the sphere of wild nature protection are also organized.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina