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Golden Magic of 21st Century in Moscow
March 23, 2016 19:36

Ten world stars of magic art from different countries will show their fantastic skills at the 2nd International Illusionist Festival.
The first festival took place in the spring of 2015 and aimed at demonstrating a rich palette of the genre of illusion, with magicians from nine countries participating in the event. This year the festival organizers have decided to concentrate on "spectacular illusion" and invited representatives of six countries. Among the participants there will be a new winner of the World Magic Championship held by the French International Federation of Magic Societies (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques).
Such shows have become a habitual phenomenon for Europe and America.
World celebrities and the best conjurers from all over the world will participate in the International Festival "Golden Magic of the 21st century" in Moscow. They will create for you a magic realm where unsteady borders between reality and illusion are washed away.

The Stars of Magic and Illusion
- the famous Frenchman Dani Lary will give a playing music lesson on the grand piano soaring and turning over in the air;
- the star of numerous Las Vegas shows Kevin James will present chilling Surgery on removing the lower part of the trunk, which will not affect the further life activity of "the surgically operated" in any way;
-  Erix Logan from Italy will strike all by puncturing his assistant with huge scissors.
Of course, Golden Magic cannot do without the world champion of illusion Hector Mancha from Spain.
The illusionists will take the audience to an improbable Universe where the reality and fantasy are so closely intertwined that one can hardly ever draw a line between them.
 "For participation in our festival we bring such unique people from around the world who combine their personal discoveries in the field of magic with spectacular show elements. Our viewers will have a chance to try and unravel the puzzles of magic stunts and tricks", – the festival organizer Andrey Pastushny said.
The festival shows will be held in the Crocus City Hall (Pavilion No. 3, Expo Crocus) near the Myakinino and Strogino metro stations, Moscow, on March 24, 25, and 26, starting at 7 pm.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Golden Magic of 21st Century Festivals in Moscow    

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