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Estate Jazz Festival 2019 in Kolomenskoye
June 12, 2019 14:39

On June 22-23, 2019, one of the largest open-airs of Russia, the 16th International Estate Jazz Festival, will take place in Kolomenskoye, Moscow. A true celebration of music, arts and good mood, the jazz festival inspires tens of thousands of people every year. This year the festival will be held in a new place, the Kolomenskoye Museum Reserve.
There are no restrictions regarding the music style, so here you can hear a variety of music genres: jazz, jazz-rock, acid jazz, funk, lounge, world music, and blues.

The music concerts will take place on three stages:
- Parter Stage (Spleen, Michael Kiwanuka, Kovacs, Azealia Banks, Caro Emerald, IYEOKA, Ivan Dorn, and Black Eyed Peas),
- Aristocrat Stage (Eilenkrig Orchestra, The Cinematic Orchestra, Nino Katamadze, Jamie Cullum, and Dhafer Youssef ) and

- Jazz & World by S7 Airlines (Samy Thiebault, Funk'N'Stein, Grupo Fantasma, and Tord Gustavsen Trio.

The Estate Jazz Festival, as always, will bring together a whole galaxy of bright and creative people, including musicians, actors, stage directors, artists, poets and designers. The most ambitious performances and spectacular artistic solutions combined with a unique Russian landscape – find it all here, at the open-air festival in Kolomenskoye!

Did you know that Kolomenskoye was once the residence of Alexei Mikhailovich, the second king in the Romanovs dynasty? The first record of Kolomenskoye dates back to 1336. So now the Estate Jazz Festival is going to take on a truly royal scale!

In addition to the music program, visitors will find here a market, food court and a lot of entertainment for the whole family, including a special program for kids. By the way, children under the age of 10 are traditionally welcomed to the festival for free.

The Land of Good Deeds
This year, the Estate Jazz Festival in Kolomenskoye has been declared a land of good deeds. Chulpan Khamatova Foundation “Gift Life” and Konstantin Khabensky Foundation for helping cancer patient children will be working at the site. Famous Russian actress Chulpan Khamatova will perform a special poetic program on the Aristocrat stage on June 23.

Tribute to War Veterans
June 22 marks the Remembrance Day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. This memorable date coincided with the first day of the Estate Jazz festival, and therefore there will be events dedicated to the heroes who defended Russia from the Nazis.

On this day, a minute of silence will be announced at the festival.  Songs of the war years will be performed and films about the Great Patriotic War will be demonstrated. A special concert “Songs of the War Years” by Dmitry Yurtayev will be held especially for war veterans. On June 22 war veterans are welcomed to visit the Estate Jazz for free.

Concert Program of the Estate Jazz Festival

June 22: SPLIN with the Unplugged gig, Michael Kiwanuka, Kovacs, The Cinematic Orchestra, Nino Katamadze, Eilenkrig Orchestra, Azealia Banks, Funk’N’Stein, and Samy Thiebault.

June 23: Black Eyed Peas, Caro Emerald, IYEOKA, Ivan Dorn, Jamie Cullum, Dhafer Youssef, Grupo Fantasma, and Tord Gustavsen Trio.

Brief History of Jazz in Russia
The Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Estate Jazz Festival Music Festivals Festivals in Moscow Kolomenskoye Museum Reserve Events in Moscow 

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