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St. Petersburg Museum of Theater and Music Art
July 31, 2017 20:27

The history of the development of the national Russian theater unfolds here in things, photographs, scenery and documents, all of them rare exhibits from the best theaters in Russia. The St. Petersburg Museum of Theater and Music Art, popularly known as the Theatrical Museum has several branches. However, its main department is located in the Ostrovsky Square in the building, where the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters was once located - in the early 19th century building designed by great architect Rossi. The exposition, entitled "Theater Legends of St. Petersburg", gives a detailed picture of the history of the Petersburg theater from the 19th to the 20th century. Original exhibits of the Imperial Theaters are finely set in bizarre modern installations, thus emphasizing the conventionality of the stage life. This exhibition has twice won the highest award "Museum Olympus".

On the ground floor housing the "Magic World of Theater" you will visit the backstage - the realm of scenery, stage costumes and sound-effect devices.

The museum collection has lots of theatrical exhibits that are associated with Russian celebrities of world scale: Alexander Golovin, Konstantin Korovin, Alexander Benois, Kazimir Malevich, Fedor Shalyapin, and Mikhail Glinka.

The highlight of the permanent exposition is the collection of musical instruments, which consists of more than 3000 items.

Besides, the museum has even a theater hall, where concerts and performances, lectures and meetings with famous actors and musicians take place. Educational activities for children are also held here. Here you can also see a unique collection of old photographs, handwritten documents and sound recordings associated with the theatrical life of famous actors, stage directors, and music figures of Russia.

In addition to that, the museum has the departments of painting and applied arts, manuscripts and documents, photographs and negatives. A lot of work is carried out by the staff of the memorial department. The museum has an extensive library of music records and a collection of posters.

Museum branches are located in the Sheremetev Palace, the Chaliapin House Museum, the Rimsky-Korsakov Apartment Museum and the Samoilovs Apartment Museum. They present works by stage directors and famous actors, hold solo performances and concerts of chamber music.

The museum is a powerful scientific and cultural center of the Moscow Region. It receives about 140 thousand people every year. In 2008 the museum celebrated its centenary, but despite its age, it goes on developing and upgrading, and regularly participates in international exhibition and festival projects.

The Museum of Theater and Music Arts is located at the address: 6, Ostrovsky Square, next to Gostiny Dvor metro station, Saint Petersburg.

See additional information on the Museum’s website 



Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Museum of Theatre and Music Art St. Petersburg Museums St. Petersburg   

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