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Tropical Christmas – String Music Concert in Moscow
December 22, 2018 09:53

December 25, 2018, will see the grand celebratory concert “Tropical Christmas” with winter masterpieces of classics for strings in the famous Pharmaceutical Garden of Moscow.
On the threshold of the New Year holidays, the Botanical Garden of the Moscow State University "Pharmaceutical Garden" welcomes you to enjoy wonderful live music in the most beautiful, fragrant and flourishing place in Moscow. Come here and experience true Christmas joy with the wonderful combination of live music and live exotic plants!

Classical Music in Russia
The Tropical Christmas concert will feature a winter holiday program with The Winter by Antonio Vivaldi and Astor Piazzolla, overtures by Wolfgang Amadeus ​​Mozart, The Drinking Song by Giuseppe Verdi and a number other enchanting music compositions that will create the Christmas atmosphere.
A vibrant, kind, moving and emotionally rich program will be performed by the Melodion string quartet amidst palm trees, magnolias, camellias, citrus fruits, feijoa and agaves.

From 7 pm, prior to the beginning of the concert, the audience will be offered a festive tropical buffet with dishes of Italian cuisine, and drinks of love and happiness.

Russian Opera
The concert venue is the legendary Subtropical Greenhouse, where the most beautiful exotic photo sessions for leading glossy magazines and shootings for box-office films in Russia take place.
The subtropical greenhouse has been closed to general public for more than 16 years now. The Tropical Concert is one of the rare opportunities to get in there.
The music program of each Tropical Concert is made exclusively for the Pharmaceutical Garden and so you cannot hear it anywhere else.

Russian Sacred Music 
The concert ticket includes visits to all the exhibitions and expositions in the Pharmaceutical Garden.
The author of the project and art director of the Melodion quartet is Natalia Tupikova-Moroz. The Melodion quartet consists of graduates and postgraduates of the PI Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory, the winners of international competitions. The quartet is widely known not only to the Moscow public for its performances at the Moscow International House of Music and at many other concert venues in Moscow, but also to the Russian and foreign audiences. The performance of the quartet is notable for virtuosity, consistency, brilliant interpretations and a sense of musical unity.
New Year's Journey to the Land of Pushkin's Fairy Tales – Music Show in Moscow

Other Concerts in Moscow 
Each concert is distinguished by its unique charisma, and this is achieved not only by the special style of performance, but also by the originality of each program. All of the concerts were created by Natalia Tupikova-Frost - the ideological inspirer and member of the quartet.
The Subtropical Greenhouse, which was closed for renovation more than 16 years ago, is the largest in the Pharmaceutical Garden. Soon, 7 new expositions will appear in the Subtropical Greenhouse: plants living on rocks, mountain foggy forest, bamboo forest, rhododendrons, camellias, etc.

Tours to Moscow
When: December 25, 2018.
Where: Pharmaceutical Garden at the address 26, Prospect Mira, next to metro station Prospect Mira, Moscow.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Concerts in Moscow Book Tickets for Concerts New Year Christmas All Events 

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