The Moscow Philharmonic boasts the status of one of the world's biggest concert organizations.
The Moscow Philharmonic is probably the largest and one of the oldest musical organizations of Russia. It has recently celebrated its 90th anniversary.
In the first years of Soviet power the Philharmonic was established to promote musical arts, and organize concerts of domestic and foreign artists in Mosow and throughout the country. Since then it has been thriving in performing this function. The best Mosow concert halls are at its disposal.
The most prestigious of them is the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, which has recently acquired a new chamber hall for ninety-five listeners. Young performers including those with avant-garde music often make their debut there. In the basement under the large concert hall there is another one, called Trap Room of Meyerhold, where the famous stage director carried out his creative experiments in the 1920s.
Altogether the Mosow Philharmonic uses nine concert venues. It is renowned for cooperation with world celebrities. Its Symphony Orchestra is one of the best orchestras in the world. In addition to concerts, the Philharmonic Society holds operas, ballets, oratorios, literary and musical performances for adults and children, and takes part in major music festivals.
The Tchaikovsky Concert Hall is located at the address: 31, Tverskaya Street, next to Mayakovskaya metro station, Moscow.
See details on the website
Author: Vera Ivanova