A grandiose stage production has been created at the Leningrad Center in the borderland between musical farce and psychological drama. The show "Illusion. Lord of Dreams” is a story about the quest for inspiration in the surreal world of fantasy, memories and illusions.
The central character of the performance is the Author, who has set off to seek inspiration. Along with him, viewers fall into the surreal universe of his dreams.
Throughout the fantasy action, fragments of ancient Slavic legends are intertwined with modern choreography, traditional ballet alternates with risky acrobatics, and lyrical romance lengthens into the newest electronics.
The impressive multi-genre extravaganza has been created by an international staging team of scenography, choreography and design masters with participation of Quinny Sacks, Oleg Gabyshev, Vera Arbuzova, Vladimir Bukhinnik, and Pavel Kaplevich.
According to the Illusio stage director Felix Mikhailov, the name of the show implies an independent genre. Illusio involves the merging of various types of arts in order to amaze and wittily entertain the audience. Among the show performers there are world champions of acrobatics and pole dance, vocalists of leading musical theaters, and participants of the famous television projects, such as The Voice, Artist, Dances, and others.
The tickets run from 3500 rubles.
The show is not meant for viewers under the age of 16.
The actors line-up of the show includes Polina Volchek, Stas Litvinov, Victoria Chapaikina, Keiko Lee, Maria Kirpicheva, Marianna Vagida, Liliya Zamulina and Alexey Ishmaev.
The Illusio takes place on April 29 and May 5, starting at 8 pm.
Author: Vera Ivanova