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Experiment, Classics and Neoclassic of Russian Ballet in Moscow International House of Music
March 17, 2018 14:53

"Cafe Idiot"
one of the best works by Theatre "Ballet Moscow" - is the winner of the Golden Mask Award in the nomination "Modern Dance. Best Performance". The viewers are sure to see maximum expressiveness of the dance, supplemented with original scenography, unusual transforming stage costumes and the soundtrack that combines music pieces by Swiss composer Nick Birch and the hits of the last century.
"Similarly to the novel by Dostoevsky, the ballet balances on the brink of tough melodrama, psychological thriller, criminal chronicle, carnival madness and fairground farce" (Kommersant newspaper).

The name "Cafe Idiot" refers, on the one hand, to the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky, on the other - to Pina Bausch' famous performance "Café Mueller", which is set in an empty enclosed space. "Ballet Moscow" also invites the audience to a certain mystical place, where the means of modern choreography and visual theater tell the story of human passions: "I stage about the way a person tortures themselves, cuts off their own happiness", - the choreographer Alexander Pepeliaev explains.- We do not have a single word from Dostoevsky. We can only dance on these themes ... We can perform the story, and the most important thing is not in the text".
When: March 22, 2018, starts at 7:00 pm
Where: Moscow International House of Music at the address 52/8, Kosmodamianskaya  Embankment, next to Paveletskaya metro station, Moscow.

"In the World of Ballet Wonders" - 

March performance of the Presidential Orchestra of the Russian Federation and the Krasnogorsk Choreographic School is dedicated to ballet as the national basis of classical dance. The grand show will be all about legendary choreographic works, about the passion for this gorgeous art and the clues to its secrets. The program includes fragments from ballets by Tchaikovsky (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty), Minkus (Don Quixote), and Prokofiev (Cinderella).

 Music from classical ballets takes a special place in the repertoire of the Presidential Orchestra. Having embodied the style of the era in its best features, "Swan Lake" (1876), "Sleeping Beauty" (1889) and "The Nutcracker" (1892) by Tchaikovsky significantly enriched the dance vocabulary and drama. The ballet "Don Quixote" (1896) by Ludwig Minkus can be regarded as a brilliant parody of the knightly novel and at the same time the broadest picture of the Renaissance. Fragments of Prokofiev's Cinderella, composed in the traditions of the old, classical ballet are rich in variations and pas de deux, as well as dances of waltz, gavot, and mazurka.
When: March 25
Where: The Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music at the address 52/8, Kosmodamianskaya  Embankment, next to Paveletskaya metro station, Moscow.

Romeo and Juliet - 
Neoclassical production of the Theater of Classical Ballet under the leadership of Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyev.
The choreography of this ballet version of "Romeo and Juliet" blends the scale of the Renaissance fresco and the finest psychology of 20th century art. Therefore, the stage production belongs to the neoclassical trend rather than purely classical ballets. Its musical basis is the author's version by Sergei Prokofiev, reconstructed by modern conductor G. Rozhdestvensky.
"In our production, we aimed to get as close as possible to Shakespeare's original source. In our performance, Romeo and Juliet were not originally exceptional personalities. It is their feelings, spirit, and passion that make them exclusive. Shakespeare's play looks very modern to us. All its characters are worthy of love, but the irresistible power of rigid traditions leads to tragedy", -  Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyev point out.
 When: 6 April 2018, starts at 7 pm.
Where: the Theater Hall of the Moscow International House of Music at the address 52/8, Kosmodamianskaya  Embankment, next to Paveletskaya metro station, Moscow.


Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Events in Moscow     

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