Famous fairy poem “Ruslan and Ludmila” written by by Alexander Pushkin on the basis of old Russian folk epics has been turned into the fantastic family musical Chernomor packed with ultramodern multimedia effects.
This time-tested impressive story about love, courage and honor has become a kaleidoscope, in which bright details miraculously blend into a single magnificent pattern. On the stage, innovations go hand in hand with classical forms of art, such as live vocals, multi-genre choreography and thrilling circus stunts!
You are bound to witness a unique show!
You are going to forget about the stage with its limited space in front of you, because 3D-MAPPING technologies, used for the first time ever to create the scenery and special scenic effects, yield three-dimensional images and enliven objects! The DT GROUP team that is in charge of 3D MAPPING for Chernomor, has implemented more than 2000 projects, become a several times winner of the "Event of the Year" Award and created large-scale projects for world-renowned customers, including Sberbank of Russia, LUKOIL, LG Electronics, Kärcher, JTI , Adidas, and Michelin.
Right in front of your eyes Sorcerer will fly across the starry sky, and Strongman will cut off his magic beard! You will find yourself in a vast open battle field, among the troops of Uncle Chernomor, and then in a hot desert with a caravan of loaded camels carrying Shamakhan Queen! What stunning impressions these might be to share with your child!
One of the most famous musicals, based on Russian epics and Pushkin's fairy tales, “Chernomor” has already won the hearts of millions of spectators! The premiere at one of the best concert venues in Moscow, the Olimpiisky Sports Complex, was a thundering event in the theatrical life of the capital. Later "Chernomor" went on tour to many Russian cities, and everywhere it was a stunning success and unchangeable sold-out.
For the first time in the world, 3D-MAPPING technology has been used to create a full-scale musical, immersing the viewer into the thick of events that occur in a wide open field, in a hot desert, in royal chambers, in the witch's lair or on the battlefield. And the giant head of Chernomor looks so vivid and realistic that it is breathtaking even for adults, not to mention kids! The effect of the presence inside the stage action is created not only with the help of special effects, but also thanks to colorful costumes, bright make-up, and, of course, the mastery of actors.
This touching story about friendship and courage, love, loyalty and honour will not leave anyone indifferent. For the sake of saving his beloved Ludmila, Ruslan will visit three kingdoms: Fire, Ice and Air, get the support of their dwellers and in a dangerous duel to defeat the insidious Sorcerer. Only then will evil spells be broken and the heroes attain deserved happiness!
In the interpretation of the Producer Center "Triumph”, the classical subjects are given a modern twist, so that the performance can no way be boring either for adults or children! The creators of the musical have done their best to make it most entertaining. At the same time, you will be compelled to know better the national epic heroes of Russia, as well as feel the beauty and comprehend the integral wisdom of the Russian fairy tale.
When: Saturday, April 19, 2018, starting at 12 pm and 4 pm
Where: Central House of Cinema at the address 13/1, Vasilievskaya Street, next to Mayakovskaya metro station, Moscow.
Vera Ivanova