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National Russian Dress: Headgears
March 2, 2009 16:32

 Headwear in traditional Russian costume mainly preserved the shape close to the pre-Mongolian period. Yet, they became more varied and richly decorated. Almost all the caps were in the form of a cone or a dome and usually had a fur trimming or an edging.

A little cap, called tafia in the form of a round skullcap was often worn at home. It was richly decorated. Another cap was put on above the tafia when going outdoors. The most popular of them was the murmolka, a rather low domed cap of an expensive fabric with lapels of fur or some different cloth.

Among the nobility the so called gorlatnie fur caps were popular; they were made of the neck parts of marten or silver fox. It was a high top hat broadening upwards, with a velvet or brocade crown. Quite often the gorlatnaya cap was not put on the head but held at the bend of the left arm.

Common people used to wear the greshnevik, a high cap with small brims, and the treukh (i.e. three-eared), a fur cap with ear-flaps and a back flap.

The costume of boyars was often complemented with cuffed mittens, often embroidered, or gloves, which appeared in Russia in the 16th century, the kalita bag, i.e. a leather money sack suspended to the belt, and on solemn occasions with a rich staff to the shoulder level.

Traditional Men’s Headwear
Traditional Women’s Headwear



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