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Old Soviet New Year's Postcards
December 7, 2011 14:29

Tradition of making and presenting greeting cards in Russia numbers more than a century. The first postcards were borrowed from the European countries and were an amusement only for wealthy Russians. 
The first illustrated postcards were the photos with Moscow's remarkable sights. Collectors know the series of five such cards with an inscription "Approved by Censorship. Moscow. 1895", which allows to date those cards. 
At first, in the Soviet Union, the postcards were declared to be an bourgeois overindulgence, but later their production was started again, and the postcards became an integral part of Russian people's life. 
 In this article we will show you the most remarkable examples of the Soviet New Year's postcards.



The Soviet postcards were mainly the painted pictures, which later was printed. The number of printed copies was really enourmous, as the cards were to be sent in different destinations within the union of many republics. 

  The most common inscription on such cards is "Ñ Íîâûì Ãîäîì" (Happy New Year, S Novym Godom). It sometimes can be added by short greetings and date of the coming year. 


The wide spreading of the postcards through the Soviet Union explained the variety of languages, which often appeared on them.

  The themes for postcards' pictures were very different. Painters often used the most common New Year symbols: Christmas Tree, winter, snow, Christmas decorations, presents and of course Ded Moroz (Russian Santa Claus) and his cute granddaughter Snegurochka (the Snow Maiden).

Besides, there were some traditional symbols, which are often associated with Russia.
On the Soviet cards Ded Moroz travelled by the traditional vehicles...

...or mastered the modern technologies.

The other cards' common characters are animals.
The Soviet New Year's cards glorified the Soviet regime, its Heroes of Socialist Labour...

...the legendary Soviet cosmonautics...

...and common Soviet people.

 We hope you enjoyed our gallery. To see more unique and colourful New Year's cards you can visit this, this and this pages. And don't forget to present your friends and relatives with greeting cards!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

vlasta-tula Images: savok dedmoroz and cards from the family collection of this article's author (the first 13)




Julia Alieva

Author: Julia Alieva

Tags: Russian Winter New Year Soviet Union Ded Moroz  

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