The Photo exhibition “From What the Motherland Begins?” opened in the Museum of Moscow on Wednesday. The authors of the project tried to create a collective portrait of Russia, describing the life of the big country and its people by the language of photography, as the press service of the museum reported.
The national photographic project involved 36 Russian photographers. The heroes of their photo stories are ordinary Russian people of different ages, professions and nationalities, united by a common history, language and culture. “I‘ve always dreamed to implement such a project. I love my country and the question set in the title of the exhibition is very important personally for me. Our country paid attention to the microcosm of a single person for the first time in the 60s of the last century. The grave of the unknown soldier appeared then, the films “The Ballad of a Soldier” and “Let us Live until Monday”, and finally, the song “From What the Motherland Begins?” which I like. I have probably set an ambitious task, but I would like to return the society to the microcosm of a single person. To return it to humanity, I’m not afraid of the word” - the press service quoted the museum curator Irina Meglinskaya.
According to the words of the director of the Museum of Moscow Alina Saprykina, the exhibition raises questions “of the happiness of some of its residents and the misfortune of others, the frantic pace of life in the capital and the slow and sometimes hopeless flow of life far away from the centres of civilization, about the birth of a new culture and about what is left from the old one”.
The exhibition narrates about the daily lives of Russians whose personal stories are related to the actual events in the history of modern Russia.
The exhibition at the museum opened in mid-May will host a presentation of the photo album of the same name, as well as the workshops on photography. The exhibition will be held until June 8 with the support of the Charitable Fund “Ural”.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina