Previous: The Most Unusual Houses in Russia, Part 3
F. M. Dostoyevsky Regional Drama Theater in Novgorod
F.M. Dostoyevsky Academic Drama Theater was founded in Novgorod in 1853, though the first permanent theater was opened in the city 28 years prior to that. The theatre’s modern building, where it moved in 1987 is of greatest interest.
This futuristic construction stands out is strongly selected against the background of other buildings in the city. Its view is best of all from the Trading Side or from the Alexander Nevsky Bridge. Novgorodians almost unanimously agree that this building spoils the impression of the city architecture.
A 42-meter column standing near the theater attracted special attention. It was not of any practical use and looked rather weird from the esthetic point of view. In the course of preparation works for the 1150th anniversary of the city in 2009 the disastrous column was dismantled.
There were rumours that the rock star Andrey Makarevich was responsible for designing the theater and the column. It not quite true. The frontman of the Time Machine band really worked at the State Institute for Theater Design in the second half of the 1970s. However, he was just one of the authors of this project.
The State Circus of Kazan
The building of the Kazan Circus is really unique and is an architectural sight for tourists.
The building designed by the architect G. M. Pichuyev and engineers O. I. Berim and E. Yu. Brudny was opened on December 9, 1967.
The unusual building reminding of a mythical UFO fitted very well into the urbanscape near the Kazan Kremlin. The silvery “flying saucer” sparkles brightly in the sunlight, whereas in the evening it glows with soft red light grading into greenish-lilac tone...
Golod’s Pyramids
Golod’s Pyramids are the famous architectural construction developed by the Russian engineer Alexander Golod, PhD. It is a constructive variety of the energy healing pyramids. A range of Golod’s Pyramids have been constructed in Russia and the CIS countries since the early 1990s. The most well-known of them is the pyramid built at the 38th kilometer of Novorizhskoye Highway in the Moscow Region.
The pyramid is 44 meters high and can be very well seen from the highway. The construction seems to be made of concrete, but in fact it is a fiberglass pyramid made without a single nail. It is beautifully lit up at night.
Alexander Golod has proved that such pyramids change the fabric of space, create “an ionic pole” that can help close ozone holes in the atmosphere, and seeds of any plants acquire increased viability when kept in the pyramid for some time.
Alexander Golod has lots of followers who repeatedly visit the pyramids to recharge their bodies and items.
Elephant House in the Moscow Region
A very unusual house imitating the Indian elephant can be seen at the 14th kilometer of the Novoryazanskoye Highway in the Ostrovtsy Village of the Ramenki District. The building is decorated with small rhomb-shaped windows and painted with bright colors. The Elephant House will hardly become a residential building; it will most likely serve as a restaurant or an office. The quaint house attracts attention of the people driving by, with lots of them stopping to take pictures of it.
Author: Vera Ivanova