Russian scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics, located in the city of Novosibirsk, build a new facility, which will enhance LHC’s performance 100 times.
Large Hadron Collider will require modernization as soon as in 2015, and Russian physicists are actively preparing for this event. Current configuration of the LHC won’t allow answering all fundamental questions of physics. If we need to solve problems of quark physics, for instance, or deal with exotic particles, we should operate with lower energies and higher luminosity than current accelerating facility has. In order to meet requirements of all researchers, Russian physicists are working on a new facility, called super charm/tau factory.
This unique facility is a great addition to existing instrumentation of microworld physics, Russian researchers say, because it can help obtain new fundamental knowledge about the world we all live in.
Exotic particles
Contribution of physicists from Novosibirsk to the Large Hadron Collider programme is enormous – about 80% of all work was made by employees of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (Siberian branch of Russian academy of sciences), as well as $130 million were spent on various scientific equipment. Now researchers of the Institute of Nuclear Physics contribute to modernization of the largest particle accelerating facility on our planet.
The Institute of Nuclear Physics named after Boreskov (Siberian branch of Russian academy of sciences) is a unique research institution. During the financial crisis of the 1990s, when most science and research institutes of our country have frozen scientific activities and lost employees, the Institute of Nuclear Physics has earned money. Today the Institute lives on 60% of state funding and 40% of self-reliance. This year contracts with China on delivery of industrial accelerators will bring the Institute about $500 thousand. Contracts on construction of a source of synchrotron radiation and a powerful injector for the United States are expected to bring several million dollars. All these contrast allow the Institute to invest its own funds into fundamental science programmes.
Kizilova Anna