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Myths about Sun – a Must-Know for Sun Tan Lovers
June 2, 2006 17:28

Calendar says it’s the end of May and do you know what it means? It means summer is knocking at your door. Summer brings hot weather and lots of sun – those wishing their skin to be brown or honey-coloured should be careful. Some misbeliefs about sun and tan are discussed in this article.

1. Taking the tan is safe when using sun protective lotions.

False. When skin gets suntanned, it also changes. Any type of suntan is not safe. Quality sun protective agent protects skin from A and B types of ultra-violet radiation and should have sun protective factor (SPF) not less than 15 (30 and more for people having suffered from skin cancer). You should apply sun-protective lotion or milk an hour before you leave your home for the streets, then refresh your protection every two hours (or more often if you bathe in the sea or swimming pool).

2. Sun protective lotions should be applied every day.

True. Sun protective lotions should be applied every time you are going to spend more than 10-15 minutes outdoors. Sun covers you with tan even when you are driving the car or sitting indoors near the window. Lotions with moisturizing components and sprays are usually more convenient. Ultra-violet radiation penetrates clouds – that is why we need sun protection even in winter and on cloudy days.

3. People with dark complexion have better protection from harmful effect of the sun.

False. Skin of those with dark complexion can also be suntanned or even sunburnt, and there is also a chance for them to get skin cancer. Sun protective lotions are highly recommended for such people too.

4. Everyone should get suntan, because while taking sunbaths human organism produces vitamin D.

False. In order to produce adequate amount of vitamin D (vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that contributes to the maintenance of normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the bloodstream), it’s enough to spend 15 minutes twice a week outdoors keeping your face and hands uncovered. Other important sources of vitamin D are multivitamins, milk, and other dairy products.

5. Sun protective lotions shouldn’t be the only protection – you need to use other means to protect yourself from the sunlight.

True. Sun protective lotions are very good when combined with a hat or an umbrella. Most aggressive sunlight comes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., that is why you should try to hide in some grateful shade when the sun is putting everything on fire.

6. Tanning beds do not damage your health.

False. In any tanning bed your skin is affected with same ultra-violet radiation, as is contained in sunlight, tanning you when you are outdoors. In fact, tanning rooms have ultra-violet rays, which are even more intensive than sunlight. An hour spent in a tanning bed is equivalent to several hours spent outdoors.

7. Overtanning is straight way to early skin ageing.

True. You can see it yourself if you compare your own skin on the open body parts (face and hands) with skin on body parts, which are usually covered with clothes.

Kizilova Anna



Tags: Russian summer     

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