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Russian Medicine: State-of-the-Art. Part One
July 24, 2006 17:18

Russian Academy of Sciences together with Moscow State University has suggested a programme for studying molecular-genetic nature of human identity. We all know that human beings have genetic predisposition to various diseases, as well as various activities. “Development of human genetic and chemical and enzymological portrait allows predicting and reducing risks of cardio-vascular and oncological diseases, as well as studying and preventing degenerative disease and ageing processes and analyzing person’s neuro-physiological characteristics on the molecular level”, says the director of the Institute of Biochemical Physics.

The point is that when biologists study genetic portrait of a just-born human, they can reveal his predisposition to various diseases, as well as possible allergy to some pharmaceuticals. Programme developers think their project leads to a significant jump in many medical fields and finally to individual medicine. The project is the first stage of issuing genetic passports to Russian population, i.e. stands as a basis for personal identification.

Moscow Institute for Space Research has presented results of its studies on solar magnetic activity (SMA) effect on human health. Scientists stated that not all people are sensitive to magnetic activity: only 62% of sick and weak people and 25% of healthy people are. When SMA reaches its peak and some time after it, people, who are sensitive to magnetic activity, tend to show changes in cardiac rate and arterial blood pressure (ADP), but changes are different for healthy and sick ones. The former show drop in said parameters, while the latter show increase in same parameters. Astronauts showed same reactions as the sick ones.

Scientists have also found a correlation between solar magnetic pulsation and acute cardio-vascular diseases, including heart attack mortality. An interesting fact – this correlation shows in spring and in winter, but not in summer. Scientists still have no explanation for this phenomenon.

Russian scientists have developed a computer capillaroscope, which helps a doctor to get information on state of patient's capillaries – fast and painless technique. All the patient has to do is put his finger on the plate under a microscope’s objective and hold it for several seconds. During these seconds plate’s temperature rises from 25 to 40 degrees°Ñ, and the unit registers such parameters, as diameter and density of capillary network and blood flow break time, online and saves them in the computer. Moreover, the unit allows simultaneous estimation of both erythrocyte and leukocyte number. Then, the doctor examines 600-fold-zoomed image of patient’s capillary network, analyzes it and makes the diagnosis. This technique allows monitoring treatment efficiency in hospital.

Russian and foreign cardiologists have reported about a success of the fish-oil containing treating agent in preventing and treating of acute heart attacks, their complications and sudden deaths. Recent studies showed said risks could be reduced by means of including polyunsaturated fatty acids, found in plants and fish, in patent’s diet. Scientists have developed the pharmaceutical, which is made of certain species of fatty fish. One capsule of said agent contains same amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids as 350 g of herring or 175 g of tuna do.

Kizilova Anna



Tags: Russian scientists Russian Medicine health   

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