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Summer brings hot weather and lots of sun. Some misbeliefs about sun and tan are discussed in this article.

Genetic analysis will tell people what to do, what field to choose for employment and even what diseases to cure.

Russia lacks national concept for fighting AIDS! The country should finally start to fight for its youth, shouldn’t it?

Stem cells are now one of the most mysterious biological objects. Many myths and rumors surround these though small but important pieces of flesh.

People often consider animals, which use various tools, to be extraordinary intelligent, but sometimes our "little brothers and sisters" use tools in such a way that drops a hint of doubt in this common point of view.

Boris Pasternak - "for his important achievement both in contemporary lyrical poetry and in the field of the great Russian epic tradition"

Even listing all theories, which deserve "pseudo-science" title seems to be a difficult task. Besides the new chronology of Mr. Fomenko, academician, this list often includes astrology, alchemy and "cold thermonuke", bioenergoinformatics and torsion field theory, "polar hole and hollow Earth" hypothesis, big-foot (yeti), atlantes and somati - subjects of ophthalmologist Muldashev search. This article is a brief review of only some of these theories.

Total eclipse starts 8 hours 36 minutes UT (universal time) in Brazil around eastern end of South America. The middle of the eclipse will be spotted at 10 hours 11 minutes UT (tmax= 4 min 11 sec) in Africa on the border between Libya and Chad. It ends at 11 hours 46 minutes UT in Mongolia close to the Russian border.

Ivan Pavlov - "in recognition of his work on the physiology of digestion, through which knowledge on vital aspects of the subject has been transformed and enlarged"

Ilya Mechnikov - "in recognition of his work on immunity"

Ivan Bunin - "for the strict artistry with which he has carried on the classical Russian traditions in prose writing"

Nikolai Semenov - "for his researches into the mechanism of chemical reactions"

Pavel Cherenkov, Il'ja Frank, Igor Tamm - "for the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect"

Lev Landau - "for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, especially liquid helium"

Nikolay Basov, Aleksandr Prokhorov - "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle"

Mikhail Sholokhov - "for the artistic power and integrity with which, in his epic of the Don, he has given expression to a historic phase in the life of the Russian people"

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - "for the ethical force with which he has pursued the indispensable traditions of Russian literature"

Andrei Sakharov - The Nobel Peace Prize

Leonid Kantorovich - "for their contributions to the theory of optimum allocation of resources"

Pyotr Kapitsa - "for his basic inventions and discoveries in the area of low-temperature physics"

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