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Famous Russian People News

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5.04.2019 18:18

Soviet and Russian film director, the People's Artist of the USSR, Georgi Daneliya, aged 88, died on April 4, 2019.

19.03.2019 14:11

On March 19, 2019, director and screenwriter Marlen Khutsiev, aged 93, died at a Moscow hospital.

19.02.2019 20:46

The Bolshoi Theater greets the People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Atlantov on his 80th anniversary.

8.02.2019 16:07

The renowned Soviet and Russian actor Sergey Yursky died after a serious illness on February 8, 2019. The People's Artist of Russia was 83 years old.

22.01.2019 17:08

On January 21, 2019, the popular film actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov celebrated his 75th anniversary.

21.01.2019 16:37

January 20, 2019, marked the 85th anniversary of the author of music for the popular Russian films "Sherlock Holmes", "Winter Cherry", "A Dog's Heart" and nearly a hundred others.

7.09.2018 00:10

The ranking was compiled by the Russian Forbes for the first time.

15.08.2018 14:30

The famous children’s playwright and screenwriter Eduard Uspensky died in his summer residence in the Village of Puchkovo, Moscow Region.

6.08.2018 21:11

Anna Sokolova, the leading actress of the Prokopyevsk Drama Theater, died right on stage on August 4.

18.06.2018 09:22

The grave of the famous film director is located next to those of Oleg Tabakov and Leonid Bronevy.

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