Arctic tourism in Russia is now in development stage, although Russia is exactly a country, having unbelievable potential for this branch of tourism, and for others as well. Unfortunately, there are still no or too little means to develop Arctic tourism, popularity of which is increasing year on year.
However, it is too early or even impossible to talsabout mass Arctic tourism on two reasons. First, average cost of Arctic tour begins with $7 thousands, second reason is climate and geographic particularities of high north.
There is no essential infrastructure for development of tourism in Arctic, and it is hardly possible if we speak about traditional tourism. Sorts of tourism, introduced in Arctic are expeditions, adventure and extreme tourism. Last time ethnographic tours to Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area on Russian extreme north.
Development of northern tourism is limited to a few points also because of border regime: Russian Arctic is a border area with a few neighboring states.
However, instead of difficulties, Russian drifting Arctic station of Barneo is visited by 250-300 tourists every year. Among them was British Prince Harry.
Author: Yulia Buzykina