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Olympic Flame goes to space
8.07.2011 14:16
Olympic Flame goes to space

Russia is going to send the Olympic Flame into space before the opening of Winter Olimpic Games in Sochi in 2014. 

      It has been reported, that Russian space companies had begun to work on a project to send the Olympic Flame into space, according to RIAN. 

      Vitaly Davydov, the vice-deputy of Russia's space agency Roscosmos, said, that this idea is possible, but it hasn't been developed yet. 

      Russian Olympic Committee President Alexander Zhukov says, that Russia was the first country that send a man into space 50 years ago. "Now we have the chance to be the first nation to send the Olympic Flame to outer space and we are proud of that", — said Zhukov.


Author: Ksenia Dzhalagonia

Tags: Oympic     

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