Criminal cases were opened against captains of two passing vessels who failed to help sinking Bulgaria riverboat.
The Bulgaria boat was built in 1955 and turned into a "metal coffin" when it began to sink. There were 205 people on board. According to the Emergencies Ministry, 88 people died, 11 of them were children. 79 people were rescued by another passing boat, the others drowned. Divers said many bodies are still trapped in the riverboat.
According to Igor Levitin, Russian Transport Minister, the captains of two passing vessels who failed to help will get a maximum punishment. Levitin said, that captains had been already questioned in the cities where were located, he added, that all legal measures in order to give the maximum punishment will be used.
In addition, it is known, that the old riverboat had no permission to provide tour services.
The cruise vessel sank on Sunday, July, 10 on the river Volga.
Author: Ksenia Dzhalagonia