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Russia is planning a tourist expansion
18.07.2011 10:56
Russia is planning a tourist expansion

Nowadays Russia still falls behind other countries in the investments to the tourist sphere. According to the rating  of the World Economic Forum, Russia keeps only the 91st place in the level of budget waste on travel development.


However, the situation is going to change. The government will examine Federal aim programme of inner and entrance tourism development which implementation is planned on the next seven years.The head of Rostourism  Alexander    Radkov explained that such programme is the first to be held on the government level.The main targets of this plan are creation and promotion of the tourist product, growth of the tourist infrastructure, making of additional work places.


In whole, the government is planning to allocate about three hundred milliard of rubles,of which more than a half belongs to foreign investors.


The officials hope that the realisation of this programme will favour the increase of tourists willing to see russian places of interest.


source: http://

Author: Julia Shuvalova

Tags: Russia tourist    

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