What do foreigners think of when they hear the word "Russia"? The members of one international ticket's search portal were curious about this question, so they interviewed about 1000 site visitors from different countries. Herewith 77% of them have never been in Russia, but all at once said they would like to come.
It seems that stereotypes haven't gone yet, though they have become less odious. It is funny that nobody mentioned of bears on the Russian streets, samovars and balalaikas. Here the most popular answers:
- 34.3% of poll's participants have said their first association with word "Russia" is cold.
- 28.6% have remembered of Russian vodka.
- 17% have imagined beautiful Russian women.
- 11% have said about snow and Russian ballet.
- 8.5% - golden cupolas of Russian orthodox churches.
- 4% - Russian sportsmen and their wins.
And there are some original answers:
Remy, France: "I have always wanted to travel by Trans-Siberian Railway from east to west."
Tomoku Kitamura, Japan: "Babushka, borsch, ikra and very expensive hotels"
Nuno Manuel, Denmark: "Small villages and big cities, the Red Square, felt boots, Cyrillic alphabet, an enormous distance between Kaliningrad and Japan Sea, And a lot of mystery!"
The poll's participants who have already been in Russia, have remembered the hospitality and kindness of Russian people, the rich Russian history, culture and amazing architecture. And those who haven't come to Russia yet, usually mentioned of difficulties with receiving of Russian visa.
The administration of our site is very glad to dispel several stereotypes related with usual travel difficulties in Russia. We offer you a range of useful services for your comfortable trip - Russian Hotels Booking, Russian Visa Support, Flats for Rent in Moscow, Tickets for Russian trains and Trans-Siberian Railway. And no more stereotypes!
Source: KP
Author: Julia Shuvalova