Yesterday Russian dwellers of International space station played a computer game for scientific purposes.
The “Typology” game exploits individual abilities of a human being for two kinds of activity: stochastic (ability to analyze and predict a situation) and deterministic (ability to do what you were told to) activities. In relation to work in space, docking of a space vehicle with the space station is a stochastic activity, and filling all necessary documents is a deterministic activity.
Scientists want to reveal personal preferences for stochastic or deterministic activity of a human being by means of special tests and to teach him to “synchronize” operation of brain parts, responsible for either activity, during working.
Activity is simulated by playing computer games and wearing a special cap for recording an electroencephalogram. Data are processes immediately. Scientists help participants of the experiment to recall certain sensations and feelings, thus making certain brain parts work.
Author: Anna Kizilova