Archeologists have found traces of a 14th century settlement, which chanced to remain intact by black diggers in the Lipetsk Region.
Among other artifacts archeologists have found monetary treasures and various weapon of that epoch.
The digging works take place near the village of Argamach-Palna. Presently a backwater corner, in the 14th century it was an area of the clash of interests of Russian princes, Gold Horde khans and the mighty army of Tamburlaine.
Archeologists have several versions concerning the origin of this ancient settlement. According to one of them a military base was located there in the Middle Ages. The Yelets prince could have settled his personal bodyguards there – both archeological finds and remains of ancient dwellings speak for the fact.
The found coins could have been a monthly payment of a soldier, who hid it during another attack of nomads. Apparently, he never returned to get them back. Among the found artifacts there are fragments of swords, buckles, an iron breast armor, axes and crosses worn on the neck.
Author: Vera Ivanova