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Russian Unemployment Rate is Growing
18.08.2011 13:13
Russian Unemployment Rate is Growing

In July 2011 the general unemployment rate in Russia has been about 5 million people, or 6.5% of economically active population of the country. It is 400,000 people more than it was in June, according to to the Federal State Statistics Service.

      In June the general unemployment rate was about 4,6 million people or 6,1% of economically active population. Placement service offices registered 1,4 million people, including 1,1 million people entitled to unemployment benefits.

      In July 2011, the economically active population size in Russia was 76,6 million people, or more than 54,5% of the total population of the Russian Federation.

      According to International Labour Organization's unemployment rating, Russia holds 25th place of 33. Spain has the highest unemployment rate (20,9% of economically active population never tried to find work) and holds 33rd place. The lowest unemployment rate in Norway (only 4%) and in Austia (4,1%). It should be noted that many countries aren't mentioned in that rating - for example, all CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries, where unemployment is one of the most painful questions for the authorities. 




Source: RIA Novosti

Author: Julia Alieva

Tags: raitings employment in Russia    

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