The co-owner of Vyatka bank and an ex-top manager of Binbank, Grigory Guselnikov has bought the Rolex flagship store underneath One Hyde Park. The property in Knightsbridge district cost him £12.5m, as Financial Times reports.
The purchase was done for a new property fund called Williston Properties, the main investors of which are Russians. The investors may have a rental income. At the moment the property hosts Rolex store under the leasing agreement for fifteen years at a rent of £400,000 per year. The profit is expected to be no more than 3%.
The purchase was done for a new property fund called Williston Properties, the main investors of which are Russians. The investors may have a rental income. At the moment the property hosts Rolex store under the leasing agreement for fifteen years at a rent of £400,000 per year. The profit is expected to be no more than 3%.
Author: Irina Fomina