The celebration is planned to be carried out in the same way as it was in 1862 when Russia celebrated the 100th anniversaty of this event.
The main activity will be a thetrical perfomance with the elements of historical reconstruction " History of Russian state" beside the monument " Millenium of Russia". It wil mostlyl repeat the anniversary celebrations in Kremlin of Novgorod held in September of 1862. Within the bounds of preparation for the anniversary events the most important historical city objects such as Kremlin, ancient settlement of Rurik and monumets on the embankment of Alexander Nevsky are going to be restored.
The day of foundation of Russian statehood is considered to be the 21st of September of 862, when ancient Slavs called upon the Varangian Rurik, the father of princely dynasty, to reign.
According to archive data, the participants of the grandiose celebration of the anniversary of Russia were all members of the imperial family.This very day the monument " Millenium of Russia" was hallowed.