Most hotels of St. Petersburg have special rooms for invalids, but , unfortunately, their number is very small. So, it is a problem to accomodate one group in a hotel. Russian Museum and St. Isaac Cathedral are equipped with special elevators and ramps. However, disabled persons still can't enter Hermitage from the side of Palace Square and river cruises are also inaccessible for them.
Transportation of invalids is an important problem too. The city can't offer any alternatives : the number of special buses for such people is extremely small. The government of the city is discussing projects of invalid's adaptation to the needs of public transport, but it will take a long time. It is also impossible to realize the safe descent to the trains.
There are problems of travelling by train as well. Nowadays the company " Russian Railways " has about 400 coaches for disabled persons. Among 78 popular routes one can find 7 international ones. 26 more coaches are planned to be launched. But this type of transport isn't very popular , as there are constant problems when invalids want to buy a ticket. Disabled persons can buy tickets only at the railway stations and , what is more, the presence of the chief of the station is necessary.
Besides, one can't buy return tickets as the information about return trains can be defined only three days later.So, invalids or their relatives have to come to the railway station twice.
There are 15 million of invalids in Russia and only 75 thousand of them are able to travel.