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Superheavy Chemical Element to be Named after Moscow
8.09.2011 18:27
Superheavy Chemical Element to be Named after Moscow

Superheavy Chemical Element to be Named after Moscow
      Russian physicists from Incorporated Institute of Nuclear Research in Dubna (Moscow Region) jointly with their colleagues from the USA will suggest to international community versions of names for the superheavy chemical elements 114 and 116 this autumn.
      Most likely, the elements will be named flerovy and moscovy.
      “By the end of October we with our colleagues from the USA will prepare offers for the names of these two elements and send a letter with our coordinated position for consideration in the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry” - director of the Institute’s Nuclear Reactions Laboratory Sergey Dmitriev said to journalists.
      Two superheavy chemical elements 114 and 116 synthesized by scientists of the Incorporated Institute of Nuclear Research in Dubna with assistance of experts from Oakridge and Livermore (the USA) in June were officially recognized by the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry, which names new elements of the Mendeleyev’s table.
Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Chemistry Mendeleyevs Table    

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