The open season on fox, hare, muskrat in the territory of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug starts on September 15, informs Interfax-Ural.
The open season on fox and hare will lasts till the end of February 2012, on muskrat till April 1 2012. Every licensed hunter is permitted to get one hare, two foxes and 20 muskrats.
From October 1 Yamal hunters may start hunting on otter, polar fox, elk, and wild reindeer. From the mid of October the hunting on sable and mink will be opened.
According the Governor’s Act, published on the official site of the region, the limit on hunting is 630 individuals of wild reindeers, 280 elks, 1 517 sables and 6 otters.
Author: Irina Fomina