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Why do Russians Dislike Muscovites?
16.09.2011 12:06
Why do Russians Dislike Muscovites?

At the beginning of September, Romir research center published the results of the poll, dedicated to an attitude of Russian people towards Muscovites.

      Sociologists polled 1,500 people from Russian cities with a popolulation of 100,000 and higher. The poll was conducted in all federal districts of Russia. The people were asked the a question: "How would you treat a stranger if you were told that he or she is a Muscovite?"

      The majority of responders (80%) said it doesn't matter for them whether a person lives in Moscow or not. 9% percent of responders said they respected Muscovites. But the number of ill-wishers is still larger. Every tenth Russian dislikes Muscovites.

      Interestingly enough, the economically active part of the Russian population in Russia's most developed regions shares worst feelings towards the residents of Moscow. Muscovites are disrespected in Siberia (15%), in the south of Russia (14%), in the North-West and in the Ural federal districts (12% each). It is funny, but, according to the poll, people with a high social position and a qualified work are more angry towards Moscow than others.

      Some experts say it is something like a tradition among Russian people to dislike those people who lives in the capital of the country, "those choosy and lazy Muscovites", though the modern Moscow is hardly corresponds to those stereotypes. The most well-wishing attitude to Muscovites is in Central Federal region and in Far Eastern Federal region.

      Almost a third of respondents (28%) are ready to call a real Muscovite the person who wasn't born in Moscow, but has been lived in it for a long time. Another 28% respondents can call a real Muscovite the person who has made a lot for the city's development.

      "The notion of "Muscovite" has lost its integrity. It has been washed out. The capital has turned into a conglomeration of very different people, and it is hard to have a certain attitude to the city now." - Vladimir Golovnev, film director, the city of Omsk.

      "I am absolutely fine with Muscovites. They are a little bit rude, but they always know what they want. How can I loathe them if my wife is a Muscovite?" Andreas Albes, deputy chairman of the Moscow office of Stern magazine, Germany. 


Sources: Romir Research Center


Author: Julia Alieva

Tags: Russian people Moscow poll Russian regions  

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