"Tokyo Shorts" - the festival of Japanese short films will take place on October 13-16 in Moscow's "35 mm" cinema. The public will see the most unusual and progressive Japanese works.
The festival is held in Moscow for the first time and it will demonastrate the segment of Japanese cinematograph, which Russian public knows worst, the festival curator, Ilya Puchka, says.
"Russians know anime and some popular movies, but, unfortunately, they don't know more uncommon and fresh Japanese films", Puchka said.
"Tokyo Shorts" consists of two programmes "Unnoticeable" for live action movies, and "The Sparkle" for animation and art works.
Within three days, the public will see 14 short films, which earlier took part in many international festivals and contests. According to Ilya Puchka, most of them are the hits from the International Festival of Short Films in Sapporo, Japan.
The festival will open with a 16-minute film "The Soap" by Kei Osama, who himself will come to Moscow to present his film and answer the public's questions. His work, dedicated to coming-of-age, complexes, panic, loneliness and strange games of a boy, gained an award of the International Short Films Festival in Oberhausen and grand prize of the Animation Films Festival in Holland.
Other outstanding works of the festival are "663114" by Isamu Hirabayashi, dedicated to the recent earthquake in Japan, "A Woman who beats the ground" by Inoue Tsuki about the domestic violence and "Maybridge's Strings" by Koji Yamamura about fleetingness of time.
There are also two experimental films, which attracts much public's attention - "Sparkles" by Takeshi Nagata and Kadzue Monno described as a unique light animation, and "Motion" by Yoshihisa Nakayama made with using of paper figures.
Sources: The Village, Gazeta.ru RIA Novosti Image: Filmfestivals.ru
Author: Julia Alieva