G20 summit in Cannes has opened, marking the historic year for France that has assumed the G20 Presidency. The Russian delegation is traditionally represented by the President and several key Government officials.
One of the cornerstone problems to be discussed at the summit is the Internet Copyright, and Russia makes a strong stance on the issue. The Government believes that a provider who publishes and shares copyrighted material illegally should be made responsible for the breach of copyright. In spite of being debated for years, online copyright issue has never yet been settled even by America and Europe. Arguably, it is extemely hard to monitor the copyright stealth on the web - especially since users are encouraged to upload their favourite songs and videos to websites. Along with other G8 countries, Russia plans to confront the issue heads-on: several ideas for Internet Copyright definition and protection are soon going to be made available for public approval on the Russian Government website.
Another issue that has already risen concern a predicted increase in taxes for Russian citizens. The rumours have circulated that there are plans to increase income tax and other fees after the 2012 elections. However, the member of the Russian delegation at the G20 Summit resolutely refuted the possibility thereof.
A meeting of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) is also taking part during the G20 Summit.
Source: G20-G8, RIA Novostiria.ru/economy/20111103/479460967.html.
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Author: Julia Shuvalova