The contest for the most original Christmas Tree has opened on November 8 in Moscow. The action is called "Christmas Tree as an Art Object" and its main purpose is to turn the traditional Christmas symbol into the modern artwork.
The contest has no restrictions for its participants. They can use any materials for the Tree's creation and decoration and make objects of different sizes and forms. The main condition is that the Tree mustn't get spoiled till January 14.
The contest's participants can send their artworks to the contest till December 10. The winner will be announced on December 23.
The contest's jury will be estimating competitive works by the following criteria: originality, innovation, the level of workmanship and diversity of materials.
All the contest's Christmas Trees will be exhibited on the territory of the "Krasny October" museum and art complex, which has instituted a special prize for the winner, though the details about this prize are still held in secret.
Sources: Image: StranaMasterov
Author: Julia Alieva