December, 17th will see the concert-exhibition “Freedom of Choice” held at the design factory Flakon in support of people arrested during anti-corruption rallies in Moscow on December, 5th and 6th.
The motto of the action is: “Freedom to political prisoners! We will not forget, we will not forgive!”
The list of concert participants is constantly growing. All “musicians and artists revolted with authorities’ reprisals” are invited to participate in the action on December, 17th.
“Results of the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, taken place on December, 4th, 2011, turned to be forged in favor of the party United Russia. In protest people went to the streets with fair demands to recognize such elections illegitimate and cancel their results. Then the authorities went the length of unprecedented reprisals towards indignant citizens”, - organizers of the action write, the OpenSpace reports.
Author: Vera Ivanova