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12-kilo Pike Caught in Chelyabinsk Region
29.12.2011 14:09
12-kilo Pike Caught in Chelyabinsk Region

Fisherman Yury Rudnitsky caught a gigantic pike weighing 12 kg and 1,2 meters long in Karasevo Lake of the Chelyabinsk Region.
      96 persons tasted soup from the unique fish. “I would not have been able to pull out the giant on my own. My friends helped me. For twenty minutes the pike was testing us to the limit, and afterwards we dragged it onto the ice with boat hooks”- Yury Rudnitsky told.
      However, this amazing catch by Yury Rudnitsky is far from being a record in Russia: back in 1930 a pike weighing 34 kg was caught in Lake Ilmen, which is in the western part of the Novgorod Region.

Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Fishing Chelyabinsk Region Russian Lakes   

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