The state company Avtodor (Society for Road Improvement) specializing in building toll roads in Russia has aired its plans for the years immediately ahead.
Thus, by 2020 it is planned to have finished, in particular, reconstruction of the roads M4 Don and Ì1 Belarus and build Northern and East parts of the Central Circular Road.
Altogether 1.6 thousands of toll roads will be introduced. In some places it will be possible to pay for the transit via a plastic card in 2012.
Besides, they plan to complete the toll road Moscow-St.Petersburg, which earlier provoked scandal due to cutting down of the Khimki Forest.
The state company Avtodor was established in 2009. It is engaged in development of a network of high-speed highways, among them toll roads, involving off-budget investments into road building. All the paid sites of federal roads belong to Avtodor.
Author: Vera Ivanova