Russian Orthodox believers will celebrate Epiphany January 19, 2012. People will be able to take a dip in the font with cold water, that will be placed in the centre of Moscow for the first time.
The font made of ice (1.5 meters in height and 1.5 meters in diameter) will appear on the Square of Revolution (Ploschad Revolutsii). Traditional Epiphany bathing will be held after the evening prayer, starting at 5 p.m. The time has been chosen at the request of Moscow winter swimmers, who decided to harden themselves after work. All visitors will receive a souvenir mug with an inscription “Moscow” and a hot tea poured into it. Warm changing rooms will be equipped on the square.
The traditional wooden font will be also available for all comers. In whole, 45 places for bathing, guarded by police, will be organized in the city.
Epiphany bathing in Strogino
Source: RBC. Image courtesy:
Author: Natalia Semicheva