The first biospheric reserve in the Urals - “Bashkir Ural” - will be created in the Republic of Bashkiria.
It will comprise five specially protected natural sites of the republic: the state nature reserve Shulgan-Tash, national park Bashkiria, natural park Muradymovsky Canyon, natural zoological wildlife preserve Altyn Solok and zoological wildlife preserve Iksky.
The Minister for Nature Management and Ecology of Bashkiria Republic Azat Kutliahmetov reported about it. An application for establishing the biospheric reserve “Bashkir Ural” has already been sent to the Russian committee of UNESCO. In February it will be considered in UNESCO headquarters in Paris. If it is approved, Bashkiria Republic will receive the appropriate certificate in June. It is the 46th site in Russia and the first in the Ural area.
Author: Vera Ivanova