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Oak Tree Near Patrimonial Village of Ivan Turgenev Recognized by Live Monument
22.02.2012 08:05
Oak Tree Near Patrimonial Village of Ivan Turgenev Recognized by Live Monument

The 3 hundred year old oak tree growing in Mtsensk District of the Oryol Region has been included in the Live Monuments List following the results of the All-Russia program Trees as Wildlife Monuments.
      It is the merit of a local dweller named Yakov Stromsky: he sent the request and necessary documents for consideration of the special certification committee.
      The unique tree grows near the village of Vtoroe Merkulovo in a small wood between two ravines. According to experts, it is healthy and in a good condition. The diameter of its crone makes about 27 meters. The tree is about 30 meters high and its trunk measures six meters around. The biomass of the trees exceeds 30 cubic meters.
      The tree grows 3.5 kilometers away from the Village of Spasskoe –Lutovinovo, where the family estate of the famous Russian writer Ivan Turgenev and his museum are located.
Author: Vera Ivanova

Tags: Oryol Region Wildlife Ivan Turgenev Russian Nature  

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